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What to Do if Your Teen Is Using Drugs

Discovering that your teenager is involved in drug use can be a highly distressing experience. As a parent, you are immediately concerned about your child’s well-being and future. Learning about teen drug use and the steps you can take is important so you can help them get back on track. Teen substance abuse treatment may be needed to ensure they truly understand the impact of their choices and make better ones in the future.

The Prevalence of Drug Addiction in Teens

It is a common misconception that drug addiction only happens in adults. However, studies have shown that substance abuse among teenagers is on the rise. As more and more young people try drugs, the risk of addiction becomes even higher. In fact, research has shown that teenage brains are more vulnerable to the effects of drugs than adult brains.

While substance abuse and experimentation do not always lead to addiction, it is still a major concern for parents and society as a whole. Teenagers who engage in drug use can suffer from severe health issues, impaired cognitive functioning, and even legal consequences.

Identifying the Signs of Teen Substance Abuse

If you suspect your teenager might be using drugs, here are some signs to look out for:

  • Changes in behavior, such as mood swings or increased secrecy
  • Declining academic performance
  • New friends who may influence negative behaviors
  • Changes in physical appearance, such as weight loss or bloodshot eyes

Remember, these signs do not necessarily confirm teen drug use, but they should prompt further investigation.

Steps to Take if Your Teen Is Using Drugs

Confronting teen substance abuse requires a thoughtful, compassionate approach. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Initiate a conversation – Open a dialogue with your teenager about your concerns, ensuring that the conversation is non-confrontational and empathetic.
  • Seek professional help – If your teen admits to drug use, or if the signs are clear, reach out to professionals to discuss treatment options. Residential or partial hospitalization programs provide comprehensive clinical support.
  • Support your teen during treatment – Once your teen is in a treatment program, continue to provide emotional support. Encourage your teen to participate fully in the program and communicate regularly about their progress.
  • Educate yourself – Learn more about drug addiction and treatment to better understand your teen’s journey. This will help you provide the necessary support and make informed decisions for their recovery.

While discovering that your teenager is using drugs can be overwhelming, it is important to remain calm and take action immediately. By being proactive and seeking professional help, you can guide your child toward a better future.

What Happens in Teen Drug Addiction Treatment

Compassionate, evidence-based treatment providers are the best choice for teens struggling with drug use. Treatment programs for teenagers typically include a mix of individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. These programs aim to address the underlying issues that may have led to drug use while providing tools and coping mechanisms for a sober lifestyle.

Treatment providers also work closely with parents and caregivers to educate them on how to support their teen’s recovery journey effectively. Family involvement in treatment is crucial for sustainable recovery and to create a healthy family dynamic.

Call Family First to Get Help for Your Teen Now

Teen drug use can be a frightening and confusing experience for both teenagers and parents. However, it is important to remember that addiction is a disease that can be treated. With the right support and treatment program, your teen can overcome their drug use and build a brighter future.

Contact Family First Adolescent Services online or call 888.904.5947 to begin the admissions process now.