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3 Common Symptoms of OCD in Teens

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects individuals of all ages, including teenagers. Early detection and appropriate treatment are vital for managing the condition and ensuring a good quality of life for the affected individual. Recognizing the symptoms of OCD in teens can be a challenging task for parents, but it’s vital for their well-being and long-term mental health.

Family First offers teen OCD treatment for boys 13-18 at our center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. You can get help for your son by calling 888.904.5947.

Understanding OCD in Teen Boys

OCD is characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts or obsessions and repetitive behaviors or compulsions. In teenagers, OCD may manifest as intense preoccupations with certain ideas and the need to perform specific rituals to alleviate anxiety associated with these obsessions.

Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder isn’t always the stereotypical depiction seen in movies. Rather than all teens with OCD being afraid of germs or aligning things in certain ways, they may strive for perfection with too much studying or constantly seeking reassurance. They may also experience intrusive thoughts that worry them, causing them to develop compulsions as a way of managing the anxiety. These intrusive thoughts may be violent or taboo and can be very distressing for a teen to experience.

3 Common Symptoms of OCD in Teens

There are several symptoms of OCD in teens, but the following three are the most common:

Symptom 1: Obsessions

Obsessions are constant, unwanted thoughts that can cause significant distress and anxiety. These thoughts may be related to cleanliness, symmetry, or harm, among other things. Teenagers may engage in compulsive behaviors as a way of managing these obsessions.

Symptom 2: Compulsions

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that a teen feels compelled to perform in response to their obsessions. These behaviors may be physical, such as hand washing or counting, or mental, such as repeating phrases or seeking reassurance.

Symptom 3: Severe Anxiety

Severe anxiety often accompanies obsessions and compulsions. Teenagers with OCD may experience intense distress when they are unable to perform their compulsive behaviors, leading to anxiety. Understanding this symptom can help parents better manage their child’s condition.

The Impact of OCD Symptoms in Teens

When you notice these symptoms of OCD in teens, you may not see the ways it’s interrupting or interfering with their lives. OCD can be a debilitating disorder that affects not only the individual but also their family and friends.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can interfere with:

  • Daily routines and activities
  • Social interactions and relationships
  • Academic performance
  • Emotional well-being and self-esteem

It’s essential to recognize how OCD symptoms may be affecting your teen’s life to ensure they receive appropriate treatment.

Seeking Professional Help for Your Son

If you suspect your son may be struggling with OCD, it’s crucial to seek professional help. A residential treatment program can remove them from triggering situations that they live with daily. A comprehensive treatment plan can help your teen learn to manage their obsessions and compulsions, leading to a better quality of life.

Through evidence-based therapy and psychiatric support, your son can learn coping strategies and skills to manage their OCD symptoms effectively. With a supportive environment and individualized treatment, they can gain the tools they need to lead a fulfilling life free from the limitations of OCD.

Call Family First When You Spot Signs of OCD in Teens

OCD can significantly impact your teen’s life, but with early detection and appropriate treatment, they can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. If you notice any of the common symptoms of OCD in your son, don’t wait. Call Family First at 888.904.5947 or complete our online form for expert help and support.