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Colin Keffner


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We understand that every childโ€™s situation is unique. Contact our team with your questions today.

Colin Keffner headshot

Colin found his passion for working in the mental health field, and more specifically with adolescents, through his own recovery journey. With Colinโ€™s first experience with being offered support for his struggles beginning at just 12 years old, he has experience firsthand the long-term negative impact of receiving a more punitive approach to mental health and substance use issues. After receiving support for his own underlying challenges, he wanted to be there for teens in a way that he felt he always needed but didnโ€™t have.

Colin is an active member of the local recovery community, spending a lot of his personal time speaking, mentoring, and facilitating support groups for young men who are struggling to find healing and success.

Colin is able to quickly connect with and support our teen clients by bringing a calm, empathetic, and relatable approach, often times sharing his personal experience to aid in their learning and growth.