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How Do Teens in Residential Programs Continue School?

a boy smiles in front of an academic program at residential treatment for adolescents

Life doesn’t stop while your teen is in residential treatment for their mental health. While they receive the expert care they need, they’ll still need to stay on top of their schoolwork. It’s a lot of responsibility to keep up with their assignments while attending therapy, but the staff at a good adolescent residential treatment center will be able to help them find balance in the process.

Virtual Options Are Good for Most Teens

Online classes are available to many students across the country. These programs allow teens to either entirely replace their in-school classes or supplement them to help them work toward credits for other certificates or degrees.

Virtual school programming can still provide a quality education for your teen. They won’t have the same experience as attending classes on campus, but they’ll still learn the same materials and be able to connect with teachers one-on-one. The best part is that course material is available 24/7, allowing students to complete them as they get time.

When Can My Teen Attend?

Many online schools allow students to enroll in specific classes or certificate tracks at any time during the year. General enrollment may be limited to certain times of the year, like traditional high schools or college courses. Year-round courses make it easy for students with medical needs or other circumstances to stay in school even if they can’t make it in person.

Additional In-Person Support Can Help

While attending a residential mental health program, your teen will likely have additional help from the treatment staff. This help might include:

  • Structured time to work on assignments during the day
  • Accountability to complete assignments and turn them in on time
  • One-on-one or group tutoring sessions
  • Access to technology and study materials
  • Check-ins with parents and teachers about academic progress

Having this additional support can help your teen stay on track and manage their schoolwork while also focusing on their mental health. It can also alleviate some pressure from you as a parent, knowing that your teen is receiving the necessary help to continue their education.

The Academic Program at Family First

At Family First, your teen’s education is one of the most important parts of our program. We offer academic support in both our residential and partial hospitalization program (PHP). But our programs don’t just keep students on-trackโ€”they help them get ahead.

High School Graduation Track

Our graduation track includes virtual school enrollment in Florida Virtual School (FLVS), dual enrollment at Palm Beach State College, and/or the Hospital Homebound program, depending on the individual needs and goals of each client. Even out-of-state clients can enroll in many of these programs when they attend treatment on our Florida campus.

College Readiness

The college readiness track helps students prepare for their SATs, ACT, and PERT exams. We also help them research scholarships, complete applications and essays, and apply for FAFSA.

Career Readiness

College isn’t for every studentโ€”our career track helps students explore potential careers, prepare for the ASVAP, complete their resumes, and prepare for interviews.

Personal and Professional Development

We help teens develop soft and hard skills that help them discover where they want to go with their lives. Courses taught by our counselors and access to platforms like edX, Coursera, and Udacity give them the opportunity to learn more about a variety of subjects they may not have been exposed to before.

Get Help for Your Teen Today

Your teen won’t fall behind when they attend residential treatment at Family First. We’ll help them stay on trackโ€”and get aheadโ€”with their education while also receiving the mental health care they need. Contact us online or call 888.904.5947 today to find out how we can help your teen thrive.