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Building Social Skills for Teens with Autism

Trouble with social skills is one of the biggest challenges parents of autistic teens face. Raising a neurodivergent child in a neurotypical world can be overwhelming and isolating. Helping build social skills for teens with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can support them in navigating social situations, building relationships, and advocating for themselves.

Family First offers neurodevelopmental treatment for adolescents in South Florida. Our team of professionals understands the unique challenges that come with raising an autistic teen and is dedicated to providing support and resources for families. Call 888.904.5947 to find help.

Raising Awareness About Neurodiversity

If you parent a neurodivergent teen, you are likely more aware of the challenges and complexities that come with ASD than most. However, many people outside of the neurodiverse community may not fully understand what it means to be on the spectrum. This lack of awareness can lead to misunderstandings, stigma, and barriers for individuals with ASD.

People outside of the neurodivergent community likely don’t realize that autism is not a disease or something that needs to be “cured.” It is simply a different way of processing information and experiencing the world. By raising awareness about the neurodiverse community, you can help break down stereotypes and promote inclusion for individuals with ASD.

Autistic Teens Face Social Skills Challenges

One of the most challenging aspects that autistic children and teens face is social skills.1 Cues like body language, subtle and nuanced facial expressions, and social expectations can be difficult for individuals with ASD to understand. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in forming relationships.

Many neurodivergent people naturally take things at face value and may struggle with social cues, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to connect with others. Building social skills is crucial for autistic teens as it can help them become more aware of social cues and learn how to interact with others effectively.

Learning to Navigate Social Situations

Neurodevelopmental treatment can help autistic teens learn how to navigate conversation, personal relationships, and other intimate aspects of socializing that may come naturally to neurotypical individuals.

Treatment may include:

  • Learning how to break down complex and nuanced cues into concrete ideas
  • Role-playing different social scenarios to practice appropriate responses
  • Developing strategies for initiating and maintaining conversations
  • Building confidence and self-advocacy skills

By developing these skills, autistic teens can feel more confident in navigating social situations and forming meaningful connections with others.

Support for Families of Autistic Teens

Caring for an autistic teen can be a demanding and emotional journey for families. At Family First, we understand the challenges and are dedicated to providing support for families of neurodivergent teens. Our team of professionals can offer guidance and resources to help you better understand your child’s unique needs and how to best support them.

With a staff-to-client ratio of 3:1 and more than 120 years of combined clinical experience, our team is equipped to provide personalized and comprehensive treatment for your teen. We also offer ongoing support and resources for families even after treatment has ended.

Reach Out to Family First Today

We offer multiple levels of care at our South Florida treatment center. Our boys-only residential program provides 24/7 support at our safe campus, while our co-ed partial hospitalization program (PHP) offers day treatment, allowing clients to return home at night.

If you are a parent of an autistic teen, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Our team at Family First is dedicated to promoting awareness and providing support for the neurodivergent community. Contact us online today or at 888.904.5947 to find out how we can help your teen build social skills and thrive in a neurotypical world.


  1. Autism Speaks – Social Skills and Autism