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NARM® Therapy Program


Reach Out To Us Today

We understand that every child’s situation is unique. Contact our team with your questions today.

At Family First, we believe that teen boys can find long-term and sustainable healing from the most common and complex mental health challenges they face. That’s why we look beyond surface-level behaviors and explore the underlying issues, like unresolved trauma. The NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM) helps uncover and process developmental trauma so they can heal.

When you’re concerned about your son’s isolation, substance use, reckless behaviors, screen addiction, or overall mental health, we can help. Our team has more than 120 years of combined clinical experience that we use to guide our adolescent therapy programs. There is a better way forward for your son, and we can help. Call 888.904.5947 now to get started.

Understanding Developmental Trauma

Developmental trauma is a term used to describe the deep emotional and psychological wounds that occur due to adverse experiences during formative years. Imagine your son’s development as a building being constructed. Ideally, every brick laid forms a solid foundation for the next. But when traumatic events occur, some bricks get misplaced or left out, leading to an unstable structure that can affect their growth and ability to cope with stress.

When we address developmental trauma, we are working to patch those misplaced bricks, allowing your son to rebuild a strong and resilient personality. This process can be challenging, but with the right therapeutic support, your child can heal, grow, and thrive.

NARM: The NeuroAffective Relational Model®

NARM® is a therapeutic approach to healing developmental trauma that helps establish a healthy connection between body and mind. It explores an individual’s emotional connection, functional organization, identity, and sense of self. It puts the focus on the present and teaches clients how to regulate their nervous system.

Many traditional models of psychology are regressive. They focus on the past by bringing awareness to the client’s disorganized and dysfunctional characteristics. NARM® is non-regressive and focuses on the present parts of the self that are organized, functional, and coherent.

The ultimate aim of NARM® therapy is to improve emotional self-regulation while strengthening interpersonal connections.

The Five Developmental Themes of NARM® Therapy for Adolescents

The NeuroAffective Relational Model® lays out five developmental life themes that are necessary for healthy emotional self-regulation. These themes affect a teen’s ability to be present to themselves and to others.


In order to feel a sense of connection and belonging in the world, teens must be in touch with their bodies and emotions. This strengthens their connection with others.


Knowing, understanding, and recognizing their needs is necessary in order to accept the abundance that life offers.


Teens must develop an inherent trust in themselves and in others. This paves the way for healthy, interdependent relationships.


It is important to establish healthy boundaries for themselves and for those around them. They must be able to say no when necessary and learn to be honest without guilt or fear.

Love and Intimacy

In order to foster healthy relationships, a teen’s heart must be open; only then will they be able to truly connect with a loving relationship. Challenging thoughts about intimacy and romance make adolescence especially challenging.

How We Use NARM® Therapy for Teens

Our NARM® therapy program follows the core principles of the model to help our teens explore deep-rooted trauma.

  • Exploring relationships – Therapists guide teens on how relationships affect behavior. For example, we explore how attachment and early childhood experiences shape your son’s behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Using nervous-system-based therapy – Teens are taught somatic mindfulness to anchor self-regulation skills that help them stay present and manage their emotions in real-time.
  • Providing context – We reinforce their new skills by providing context so they can understand how their mind affects their bodies. This involves practicing the self-regulation skills we teach them.
  • Recognizing identity – The NARM® approach makes it easier for teens to identify who they are and any counter-ideas they have about themselves. This process helps them develop a clearer understanding of their authentic selves, which can lead to long-term healing and growth.

When your son comes to Family First, we provide a safe and caring environment for him to explore his emotions, experiences, and relationships. Our experienced therapists use NARM® programming to help him address developmental trauma and build a strong foundation for a healthy future.

Call Family First for a Teen NARM® Therapy Program in Florida

If you have concerns about your son’s mental health and well-being, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Family First. Our teen NARM® therapy program in Florida can help your son heal from deep-rooted developmental trauma. Contact us online or at 888.904.5947 today to find the help he needs.